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Office locations


2nd floor, 12 Charles II Street, St. James's, London SW1Y 4QU, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 207 484-7700


7b Olu Holloway Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone: +234 1 280 2330


4B Grosvenor Suite, 14 Riverside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 708 985818, +254 7333 393082


The Bureau, 28 Cours Albert ler, 75008 Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 83 75 63 98


6, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 28689114 


For further information, please direct your enquiries as follows:

Please direct all media enquiries to our PR advisors:

Teneo – Robert Yates

Email: heliosmedia@teneo.com

Phone: + 44 (0) 20 7260 2700 


Investor Relations: InvestorRelations@HeliosLLP.com

General: Info@HeliosLLP.com


Investor Relations and Capital Formation Team:

Virginia Doble – Head of Investor Relations

Sam Franklin – Director of Investor Relations

Tolu Akinboboye – Associate, Investor Relations

Jad Shams – Head of Capital Formation Middle East


Complaints Procedure

As per the Helios External Complaints Policy, Helios and its portfolio companies (together “Helios”) recognise their respective responsibilities to external stakeholders affected by their operations and the actions of their management and staff; particularly those with social and environment ramifications. Helios also recognises the importance of providing a channel for third parties if they have an inquiry, to raise concerns or a formal complaint

Those wishing to register a complaint should send an email to complaints@heliosllp.com or the Complaints officer (the “Helios Complaints Officer” or the “Complaints Officer”) at the portfolio company (or contact the Helios Office), providing as much information as possible of the circumstances surrounding Helios’ alleged malpractice. Where third parties believe that their complaint has been handled inappropriately and prefer to seek independent redress, they are advised to refer the matter to an external body such as a regulatory ombudsman.

General enquiry form

Please complete the following fields and we shall reply to your query as soon as possible.